The Best Jamaican Peanut Punch
Jamaican Peanut Puch! If you’re looking for a tasty easy yet jam-packed with nutrition then this peanut much is for you. With ingredients like peanuts, oats, Guinness, Irish moss, supligen, rum, and more you’ll get stamina like no other! A natural energy booster that is delicious. With the thick and creamy consistency, this punch can be a meal replacement.
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What is in Jamaican peanut punch?
Jamaican peanut punch is an energy drink. The drink is regarded as a ‘man’s drink’ it’s said it gives them the stamina to perform better in the bedroom. Due to its high energy levels that it yields from the high protein and fat content. It’s super easy to make.
What are the benefits of peanut punch?
- Peanut Punch Lowers your cholesterol levels.
- Helps in weight loss.
- Reduces your risk of heart disease.
- Helps reduce gallstones
- Reduced infertility
- Lifts mood and fights depression
- Aids to boost Memory
- Good source of protein
- Regulates your blood sugar levels
- Reduces risk of anti-aging cognitive declination
- Protects against certain cancers

Why is peanut punch good for men?
Peanut punch is a popular beverage amongst many Caribbean islands especially Jamaica, Trinidad, and Guyana. Generally, Peanuts can increase testosterone levels. This quality is because peanuts contain arginine, which contains nitric oxide that affects hormonal changes in the body and increases testosterone and endorphin levels. So this is why throughout the Caribbean men are encouraged to drink this before engaging in certain activities lol.
What is a Jamaican strong back?
‘Strong back’ is a term associated with sexuality and sexual expression – The drink is regarded as a ‘man’s drink‘. When a Jamaican says ‘strongback’, they are usually referring to a concoction that assists men, particularly in the bedroom.

Ingredients in Jamaican Peanut Punch Recipe
White Rum (optional)
Condensed Milk
How to make Jamaican Peanut Punch Recipe
- Add the raw peanuts and 3 cups of water to a blender.
- Then Add the vanilla supligen, Guinness stout, flax seed, sweetened condensed milk, vanilla extract, nutmeg, and cinnamon powder and stir together. Taste to make sure it is sweet enough for your liking.
- Pour into a glass over ice cubes or put it in the refrigerator to chill.
- Serve and enjoy
How to store Peanut Punch
Store the pitcher with the punch or in bottles in the refrigerator for a few days. Please do not add ice to your punch when storing it in the refrigerator because adding ice waters the punch down. And peanut punch should be a nice creamy consistency. When you’re ready to serve if it is a bottle give it a shake but if it’s in a pitcher stir it before you serve it.
More Jamaican Punches

“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.” John 15:4 NKJV
Jesus Christ is all we need in this life. As He said, He is the tree and we are the branches. If a branch is broken off the tree, it no longer lives but starts to die and dry out. What do we do with dead branches? We burn them for fire. This is what will happen to anyone that is not attached to Jesus. The end of that person’s fate is hellfire.
But if we abide in Him, or stay attached to Jesus, we will have eternal life. He lives forever, He has already been immortalized, and He promises this to us believers. So how do we abide in Him? By keeping His words in us. He is the Word of God that became flesh. All the words that He spoke come from our Father in heaven Yah.
Jesus is Yah in the flesh. God is a Spirit. So for us to know Him, He came as a human being through Jesus and called Him His only Son. Jesus is in Yah and Yah is in Him. All His words bring life. For man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of Yah. Every single word that Jesus spoke came from Yah. If we abide by what Jesus told us, we shall never die, but we will all live.
Wisdom continued
Love Him and keep His commandments. Keep His sayings. Hold on to His words of life. His parables, everything we read in the gospels, keep them in your memory, to the point where you start to speak just like Him. As He said, out of your belly shall flow living waters.
Why? Because the words you will start to speak will be His words of life, for us to share with others as well. Abide in Jesus, He will manifest Himself to you and bless you with the Holy Spirit, that seals us with His promises and gives us the power to overcome death unto eternal life.
The Best Jamaican Peanut Punch
- 1 cup Raw Peanut shelled
- 2 cups Water
- 1 cans 9.6oz Vanilla Supligen
- 2 cans 9.6oz Irish Moss
- 1 11oz bottle of Guinness Stout
- 1/4 tsp Cinnamon Powder
- 1 tbsp Vanilla Extract
- 1/2 tsp Grated Nutmeg
- 1 can of Sweetened Coconut Condensed Milk
- 1/4 cup of Flax Seed
- Add the raw peanuts and water to a blender.
- then Add the vanilla supligen, Guinness stout, sweetened condensed milk, vanilla extract, grated nutmeg, flax seed and cinnamon powder and stir together. Taste to make sure it is sweet enough for you. If it’s not sweet enough, add more sweetened condensed milk.
- Pour into a tall glass over ice cubes or put it in the refrigerator to chill.
- Serve and enjoy.
Comments (3)
November 21, 2022 at 8:19 pm
i need a stronger back, gonna try this
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